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In order for the professional performance evaluation

In order for the professional performance evaluation to become more assertive, feedbacks became even more necessary than before. More than measuring performance, the tool evolved into a functional technique for developing people.

How important is the professional performance assessment?
Regardless of the performance evaluation methods you use, it is important to understand the objective your company has in view and what this strategic action can bring to:
The management ;
The collaborator;
The company itself.
That's because, when we analyze it, the professional performance evaluation can raise a series of values for everyone involved. Below, we highlight the main ones, take a look!

Benefits of performance appraisal for companies
The investment in a periodic performance review is not as high as most people think. Consider a tracking method initially.
What requires more time and planning is decision making based on the results obtained.
After all, the HR sector can define the need for specific training, after verifying that most employees have not performed as expected within their particular activities.
There is also the application of motivational actions at work and ways to engage employees to combat absenteeism rates or the general level of dissatisfaction with the company, diagnosed through a frank and transparent conversation with employees.

Over time, performance evaluation tends to add multiple values, such as:
Increased productivity, engagement and motivation of employees;
Competitive differentials for attracting and retaining talent ;
Positive results from the diagnosis of any problems and decision-making to solve them.
As a result, the company spends less on the unnecessary replacement of professionals and, consequently, equals its profits as a result of increased productivity and employee satisfaction.

Benefits of performance appraisal for the Human Resources department
The sector takes on a more strategic aspect, as it is possible to optimize bureaucratic and repetitive processes , which will be delegated to digital solutions, such as good management software .
With this data registered in the system, monitoring the performance of professionals is safer and more accurate.
At each performance evaluation, HR is able to observe unique characteristics in each professional, which contributes to:

Future hires;
Conducting training ;
Identify problem situations that can be resolved quickly.
For example, the employee who has had sudden and consecutive drops in productivity can be easily monitored, and the approach of HR specialists will also be better targeted.
That is, with the help of this technology, professional performance assessment becomes more practical and there is still time for its specialists to focus on other trends, already consolidated strategies and innovations so that the company remains in constant development.

Benefits of performance appraisal for the employee
Individually, each professional performance assessment can be differentiated so that the employee understands their strengths and those that need more attention to develop them. Collectively, the tool helps in understanding the roles of each employee in the company and its work flow. Consequently, employees start to relate better with their colleagues, regardless of their areas of expertise, so that the work is better and more and more harmonious.

How to perform performance evaluation?
Now that we've seen the concept of performance appraisal and its importance for the entire organization, how about we check its implementation before going into, definitively, what types of performance appraisal are ?
1. Set goals
Arguably, any corporate planning starts with the definition of a goal.
It is through it, after all, that the HR sector will identify the main metrics and know how to proceed in light of the results obtained in the analyses.
Also, how can the company and its team know what are the best types of performance appraisals to apply without the goals? So this is the key to your planning.

2. Choose the method
Based on the defined objective, the next step is to evaluate the factors that will help in the orientation, adjustments and decision-making in each professional performance evaluation carried out.
But don't worry if you don't know what types of organizational performance reviews are . Further on, we highlight the main ones, for you to consult, whenever necessary, in the implementation of your project.

3. Structure the performance appraisal questionnaires
The performance evaluation questionnaire is a kind of map to guide your employees and managers alike.

After all, it helps to know:

What to ask;
What aspects will be explored;
What will be the dynamics of each assessment.
You can even opt for ready-made forms or customize yours based on pre-existing and functional templates in the market.

4. Define the rating scale
As we said earlier, the first performance appraisal models were rated from 1 to 5. Therefore, it's a good idea to identify the best method based on your objectives.
In addition to the aforementioned scale, you can opt for a model based on qualitative actions such as unsatisfactory, fair, good and excellent, etc.
Thus, when HR takes care of evaluating results, graphics and other visual materials will allow an effective visualization based on the objectives that were defined by the company.
The parameter is crucial for everyone to focus on achieving the same goals , with that.

5. Communicate employees and leaders
With the established premises, take the idea of performance evaluation to managers and employees alike. This can happen through press releases, emails or even face-to-face meetings.
When talking about the assessment, it is important to be concerned about:
Conveying the message with clarity, objectivity and transparency;
Define the goals;
Highlight the benefits;
Explore the means used so that everyone prepares in advance and can fully enjoy their performance evaluation.
Also read: How to improve internal communication in the company: 6 efficient secrets

6. Apply the professional performance assessment
Apply performance appraisal in practice. The first of these can be a good test, not to position the results, although they should be monitored, but also to find out which one had the expected effect and what could work better in the next occasions.
After all, periodicity must be a constant to be respected when planning a performance evaluation.
Insert this frequency in everyone's agenda, so that the event becomes a formality in the organization's culture, in which everyone must participate and engage their participation.

7. Review and give feedback to everyone
Once a round of evaluations comes to an end, the HR sector will have a big job ahead of it: analyze the results based on what was diagnosed in the performance evaluation questionnaire used, so that experts can assemble a definitive report on what was done. collected.
Then, the feedbacks must be done individually so that each employee has their privacy in order to understand what was evaluated and what were the identified results.
This analysis facilitates the process, as during the next assessments, managers and HR can have a parameter to measure the performance of their professionals and, thus, compare them with previous ones.